How the Celebration of Love Happened
Over thirty years ago a group of friends decided that we wanted a day set aside in which we did nothing other than celebrate love and beauty, in all their many wonderful forms - a day upon which surrender and serenity became watchwords and valuable learning tools over the years.
We would like to invite all of you to join us in this wonderful Celebration. On the day itself, the Celebration of Love takes place from the time that you wake up until the time you go to sleep. And may the light you gather to you remain with you throughout the year.
We have built up a lot of traditions over this time, and we want to share these with you, gather up your thoughts for additions, and then develop a loose framework of activities, celebrations, prayers and actions that reinforce the whole vast concept of love. You can pick out what you want to do for yourself. From experience we know that you can get a lot out of doing this alone, but it is nice when shared with friends too. On the day itself nobody will be alone... cos we'll all be here!!

We burn pink candles, decorate altars (or houses!) with pink roses, and we say the Prayer to Love, written by Saul. We make little signs reading Love, and symbolising Love, and put them all over the house, along with hearts and rainbows (usually make these in advance). Pink and white and rainbows and doves are everywhere. Songs of the day always include "All You Need Is Love" and "Imagine", plus whatever other beautiful music you have that talks about happiness, love, hope and just lifts your spirit. We go to look at Springtime (easier in Britain than some places admittedly :-) We spend quiet meditative moments thinking about love and joy and splendour. We eat chocolate covered strawberries and our favourite foods, and spend time doing our favourite activities.
Over the years, dedicating a day to love like this has produced some quite remarkable things - Angel Paths for one. And we really believe it makes a difference to the Universe that we do it.