

Description: translucent to deep purple variety of quartz
Energy: jupiter, neptune, receptive
Chakra: brow, crown
Properties: dreams, overcoming addictions, psychism, protection

Amethyst stills mundane thoughts so that tranquility can be experienced. This makes it an excellent meditative stone. It is protective and calming, and can be placed under the pillow to halt nightmares.

Representative of the violet ray of alchemy and transformation, amethyst will cleanse the environment of large amounts of stuck or blocked energy, easily raising the overall vibratory level. Geodes (or “caves”) are best for this purpose.

Use with other stones:
Works well with rose quartz. Lepidolite and amethyst are an excellent combination for fighting depression and/or addictions. Amethyst and lapis combined can be substituted for the more expensive and rarer sugilite.

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