Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz

Description: pale to translucent pink variety of quartz
Energy: venus, receptive
Chakra: heart
Properties: love, forgiveness, compassion, beauty

Rose quartz is the primary “love stone”. The pale pink color works with the emotions and the heart chakra, clearing anger and resentment to restore inner peace.

The warm, tender energy of rose quartz soothes, comforts and heals a wounded heart when we have been hurt, or directly after a crisis. It teaches love, forgiveness, and compassion in our relationships - both with ourselves and others.

Rose quartz is especially beneficial if we did not receive generous amounts of love as a child. If our emotional needs are not met as children we subconsciously learn that we are not worth loving. Our attitudes will perpetuate loneliness and issues of self worth, making it very difficult to attract positive, fulfilling relationships.

Rose quartz will freely heal these wounds, no matter how deep or painful. The length of this process will depend on the depth of internalized pain and our willingness to heal - sometimes this can take years. However, if we are devoted to our healing process, long time patterns can be changed and despondency will give way to a dawn of self love, contentment, and light-hearted joy.

Use with other stones: 
Works especially well with kunzite and pink tourmaline. An excellent follow-up stone if feeling vulnerable from working with emotional clearing stones, in the green hues, such as aventurine or malachite. Beneficial to offset rose quartz with amethyst on the brow and citrine on the navel in healing layouts.

Cleanse often.

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