Working with The Ace of Wands
This is a wonderful high-energy card, promising big breakthroughs and real progress. Expect a day ruled by this card to be full of pleasant and unexpected surprises, nice twists of fates, and quirky happenings.
This is a day to be filled up with the wonder and energy of life, a time when you'll find it easy to sail through your work, clear your commitments and really get on top of things.
For a special few of us, there will be major steps forward into new areas of life - big changes which lead us toward our heartfelt hopes and dreams. There will be bounty and fortune for some of us.
For others, healing will be the most important matter at hand. Intractable and troublesome illness will fall away, or we will locate new ways of dealing with health matters.
This will be a bright fresh happy day. Make sure you enjoy every minute of it!!

Affirmation: "My life is filled with abundance and joyful happenstance."