Working with The Ace of Cups
This is a card which is connected to our most precious and heartfelt desires. It indicates the things that we hold most dear, our deepest and most intimate feelings and needs. Here we will discover our need to love and be loved, both in a romantic sense and at the level of the soul and spirit.
On a day ruled by the Ace of Cups, it's important that we identify these deep inner needs, and acknowledge them as the powerful driving forces they are. By consciously identifying these urges, we make it easier to follow through, feeding our souls along the way.
For some of us, an Ace of Cups day will be one where new influences and impulses come into our lives, changing our course and altering our overall direction. When one of these momentous periods occurs, be sure that you make the best you possibly can of that chances that come your way.
And be alert for indications that new spiritual forces are at work, reshaping the way you see things. This Ace is highly spiritual in nature, connecting with the psychic part of ourselves, and offering wisdom and teaching in many varying ways. Hold your consciousness of whatever you see as the High Force in life as clearly as you can, and let your spirit talk to you.
Finally, since ultimately this card is about love, count the loves in your life - all of them. And celebrate every single one.

Affirmation: "All encompassing love fills me and my environment."