Working with The Sun
This is a warm happy energised card, which promises healing, growth and enjoyment. We have emerged from the somewhat shadowy and mysterious realms of the Moon into the bright light of day now. Gone are the tests and trials set us by the demands of our own growth. It's time to laugh and dance and celebrate.
When the Sun shines, we find new ways of resolving problems, new perspectives and fresh viewpoints. We see things more clearly, and are able to objectively consider obstacles and difficulties. We have the energy we need to throw ourselves into life, and to dynamically deal with anything that we discover.
On a day ruled by this card, let yourself be lit from within... allow your own inner Sun to shine out and greet the world. No matter what other cares and worries may weigh you down, on this day try to put them aside and simply revel in the glory of being alive. Today celebrate your victories, applaud your successes, and be proud of your achievements.
We can often forget to feel joyous with ourselves, becoming buried under worries and stresses. But if we can, for a moment, step back and look only toward the positive we shall find ourselves more able to deal with things.

Affirmation: "My inner Sun shines bright, surrounding me with light (That rhymes!!)."