Working with The Four of Wands
The Lord of Completion has two separate, and yet closely interlinked, effects. The inner, and more complex, matter that this card rules is that of the establishment of right order. When things are balanced in life, they flow more easily. When apparently contradictory forces come into equilibrium, the powers inherent in each is available to be utilised to their fullest degree.
As a result, when this state of balance is achieved, we become very effective in any area to which we apply ourselves. There is no time-wasting inner conflict, nor indecision. We can simply direct our energies in a single minded and competent fashion.
From this inner effect, arises the more common definition of the FourĀ of Wands - that of completing cycles, finishing projects, achieving new stages of development and insight. This is because we have been able to isolate and prioritise those things which we see as most important.
So on a day ruled by the Lord of Completion, aim to finish up any outstanding matters, freeing yourself to move into new challenges. You should find yourself very efficient and single-minded. Use this clarity to your best possible advantage. The sense of satisfaction you derive will be immensely valuable to you.
Also attempt to define where you want to go next - whether in a personal or a professional sense, so that you can, in days to come, set new targets and goals.

Affirmation: "From completion comes renewal."