The Five of Wands
The Lord of Strife usually appears in a reading to indicate quarrels, conflict and discord. There is rarely anything of value to be gained from the disharmony introduced by this card - in fact, it will often indicate bitterness and argument for argument's sake.
To try to determine how serious the strife will be, look for cards like Nine of Swords, Ten of Swords or the Tower to indicate a really bad situation. With cards such as the Eight of Wands or the Six of Wands it's probable that the friction may clear an outstanding problem area.
This card will often come up when some-one is very unhappy with a working situation - there is, perhaps, a clash of personality with somebody else; or perhaps the individual is unhappy with working practises. Often in this situation there's a tendency toward rashness and loss of control which can lead to further problems.
Another time that the Lord of Strife will make an appearance is when we are in inner conflict - most often about something we consider to be immoral. This is probably the most significant type of problem that can be highlighted with this card. For instance, if we have taken an easy option, or a dishonest turn, and are now troubled by the voice of our conscience, we could expect to see the Lord of Strife appearing.
In this case we need to set right whatever we believe we have done wrong - or failed to do altogether. We will not be at peace until we do. The Five of Wands is a card that reminds us quite firmly about the ethical considerations that underpin the Suit of Wands.