Working with The Eight of Wands
When the Lord of Swiftness comes up in a reading, it shows that there is an energy available which will break down obstacles, move restrictions and allow the free flow of power in any situation you direct it toward.
Often there will have been problems which refuse to yield to any reasonable solution previously attempted. However on a day ruled by the Eight of Wands even the most intractable and stubborn difficulties will simply fall away when the downrush of power is felt from this card.
Accordingly, on an Eight of Wands day, go looking for problems! Try to locate those things - whether major or minor, that have refused resolution till now. When you find something that seems applicable, sit down for a few minutes and mentally walk around the obstacle, trying to get a new perspective on it.
This thinking period is important, because when this card rules, there is rapid and swift communication - either intuitively or in real terms, which allows you to see a way through the maze of complications that can build up around the most mundane of tasks.
Expect, during your period of contemplation, to see new possibilities for solving the problem. Wait for the out-of-the-blue thought that strikes you as though from nowhere. When you discover it, try it out, no matter how outlandish it may at first appear.
Be open to what life tells you - not as a result of seeking advice, but as a spontaneous offering from the people around you. When we leave ourselves open for the Universe to convey its thoughts to us, they can arrive from the most unexpected sources! Be prepared to consider any options offered to you obliquely - don't take them at face value; try to turn them into applications for the matter you are attempting to resolve.
And allow your sense of humour full rein - you need a light-hearted attitude to get the best out of this card. You'll be amazed at the things you will get done on a day ruled by the Lord of Swiftness.

Affirmation: "Challenges and obstacles are achievements waiting to happen."