The Princess of Cups
If this card comes up to represent a person, she will be a gentle, romantic individual with high levels of intuition. The Princess of Cups is compassionate and caring, warm and responsive. She is at peace with her emotional nature, often highly creative and artistic. She has a certain fragility, particularly when coming into contact with the harsher realities of everyday life, and will not always cope well with conflict. In her world, tranquillity and harmony are highly valued.
If, as often happens with the Princesses of the deck, the card comes up to represent a change in events, then the interpretation broadens out somewhat. For instance, the Princess of Cups will sometimes come up to indicate forthcoming pregnancy. The card also appears to indicate a woman falling in love.
And if the card applies to a state of mind, then it will indicate heightened perception, and tells you to listen carefully to the voice of your own intuition, and to follow through on any ideas which arise from it.