Working with The Four of Swords
When the Lord of Truce appears he brings with him a temporary respite, often after we have passed through trying times. This is a quiet period, which should be used to recover, regroup and stabilise. It's important though, that we always bear in mind the fact that this is only a moment in time. Soon we shall be required to pick up the tools of life and continue on our journey.
So on a day ruled by him, we're well advised to use the internal stillness he brings to think over trouble spots, or areas of difficulty. That way we see the whole issue more clearly, and are better equipped to sally forth undaunted when the time comes.
Occasionally on a day ruled by the FourĀ of Swords there will be a requirement to bury the hatchet with somebody, or to accept their gestures of friendliness toward us. It's important that we are reserved both in what we are prepared to offer, and what we are prepared to forgive. Truce only marks the cessation of hostilities - a brief pause during which we might negotiate a lasting peace.
The one thing this card always tells us is that we have not yet finished our business here. If we fail to hold this in the forefront of our minds, we are likely to make the mistake of being unprepared for whatever comes next.
So - on this day - rest as easy as you can, and locate areas of challenge, difficulty or sensitivity for future attention. Think carefully about trying to resolve anything until the influences are more supportive.

Affirmation: "Plans formulate within me as I gather peace and stillness to myself"