Working with The Princess of Swords
When this Princess rules the day expect to come into contact with demanding or unfair situations. Use the clarity and insight offered by the card to cut away unnecessary rubbish, get behind the smoke-screens and see right to the heart of any situation that crosses your path.
It is important to refuse to tolerate injustice or ill-treatment, but when you deal with situations such as this, be sure that your own responses and behaviour are moral and above board, otherwise you'll find the Princess's sword turning on you.
Swords in general tend to suffer quite a bit of bad press, but this is based on a misunderstanding of the inner Arcana ruling here - Swords are about living life to the full, and appreciating its gifts... so long as you're doing your honest best, given the situation you are in at the time, you will not provoke the wrath of Swords in your life. It is when you fail to live up to your standards, fail to treat others with the love and respect they deserve, that you come into contact with so-called 'bad' Swords.
So it's important to go for the high ground on a day ruled particularly by one of the Courts. It will be a day in which things are re-assessed, mulled over, straightened out. It may also be a day upon which unexpected and previously hidden things come to light. In this case, objectivity is the safest course of action, coupled with well-thought out action.
If you do not actually come into contact with a situation which demands you deal with it, be sure and spend a little time thinking about where you place importance on morality and good standards... consider the things you see as 'right' and 'wrong', then check you're living up to those standards.

Affirmation: "Ethical Will is the Will of the Universe."