Working with The Six of Disks
The Lord of Success is a delicious card, indicating that we have achieved a natural state of inner balance and harmony which allows us to use our energies without diversion nor interference. More often than not, these energies are directed into practical channels - in the workplace, dealing with things in the home environment.
This is because Disks are about the more mundane aspects of everyday life, and about home and family - some people see Disks as purely money-related, but this is a misunderstanding of their deep function. Rather than interpreting Disks purely in a financial context, we are better served by seeing them as relating to the basic nuts and bolts of security. This includes money and finances, of course, but also covers all sorts of other areas too - the basic trust and reliability of our friends and family, the nature of our home, the set of tasks which form our job. However, I digress ;-)
On a day ruled by the Six of Disks, we need to be taking stock of our overall position in a practical sense. This is a day to sort out your bank accounts, check your credit card balance, look in your birthday book for upcoming important dates, check what food you have in the freezer, about those people closest to you and consider how they've been doing recently.
It's a practical, down-to-earth day where you look around and feel grateful for the things, creatures and people you have in your life. Everybody has something to be grateful for... and most of us have a lot to be grateful for. And on a day ruled by the Lord of Success it's time to say thankyou!

Affirmation: " I am blessed with the bounty of life."