Working with The Nine of Disks
That phrase 'what goes around comes around' is very relevant to this card. The Lord of Gain is a card that indicates that we have set in motion some plan or project, and we are now reaching a point of completion with it.
So on the day ruled by the NineĀ of Disks, we need to be open to opportunities which allow us to conclude work that has been outstanding; remain alert to new chances opening up before us; and ready to seize the moment when it appears.
This card accords with the ancient wisdom that we give what we get in life - so this is also a day to look for opportunities to offer our help and resources with no immediate expectation of return.
Take up chances to serve - whether in a mundane fashion, or to a higher source, in the sure knowledge that the things you give with love are the ones which build a bright new world.
It is the help we give to others with a happy heart, the sympathy we offer without judgement, the gentleness with which we treat ourselves and others that will change things.
When we do this, we set in motion a stream of positive, caring energy, which will travel around the world and return to us - vastly changed, and yet almost the same. What we gave to somebody else with no thought of reward or gain, is what we truly gain when it comes our way again.

Affirmation: "I open myself to life's bounty with gratitude"