Cards: 1) 2 of Cups 2) XXI The Universe 3) 7 of Cups 4) 6 of Swords 5) 10 of Swords 6) VI The Lovers 7) 2 of Swords
This is quite an emotionally turbulent reading concentrating solely on love and romantic matters. In the recent past there has been a reconciliation (yes, I know I already knew this ;-) with somebody for whom you have very strong feelings.
However at the moment you selected your numbers you had severe doubts about where this situation was going. Whilst you have high hopes of being able to work out a satisfactory solution to any difficulties that present themselves, your expectation doesn’t match these high hopes. You fear being let down or disappointed in some way.
Be careful that this doesn’t make you feel panicky enough to start trying to push the situation in the direction you want it to go. The Seven of Cups is a warning card that says that if you go after too much too quickly you’ll end up losing what you have already got.
You’re moving into calmer waters, after a stressful and difficult period in your life. The Six of Swords indicates a more tranquil and less worrying time beginning now, where you can feel safe and rested.
There’s a potential for a difference of opinion in the fairly soon future (probably with the person you have so many hopes about - and possibly as a result of pushing too hard). Try to remember not to push at all... but if you slip up and fall into the mistake, don’t see the resulting conflict as the end of the situation. Whilst at the time, it may look fairly serious, in the long term it isn’t. There is a way past this difficulty, which requires calmness and a clear head. Try to be objective and patient here.
The frustration you sometimes feel is based around waiting for another person to make decisions which affect your future. That can make you feel confused and angry at times. However, with the Lord of Peace up on the ‘Final Result’ position (Two of Swords) you can be reassured that you will find a good middle ground which works for everybody concerned. Try not to let your doubts rule you. You’ll be satisfied with the end product here.
Good luck!!!
Reading by Jan