Cards: XII The Hanged Man 2) 2 of Wands 3) 6 of Swords 4) 9 of Cups 5) 5 of Disks 6) Queen of Disks 7) XXI The Universe
I think you’ve been having a rough time recently - the Hanged Man in that first position suggests that you’ve been finding that your life lacks sparkle and interest. You’ve been bored and feeling directionless. There’s been a fair amount of depression and uncertainty about what to do next, as well as a lot of insecurity about yourself. I think you feel quite shaky and fearful.
However, you’ve now reached a point where you know you must do something to change the situation you find yourself in. You have a deep need to establish more control and creativity in your life. You can’t reconcile yourself to feeling so sad any more. You’ve been pulled a long way from your centre by recent events. It’s time to go back where you belong, in the centre of yourself, where you can clearly consider your own needs and work up a list of priorities. Clear away any negative or unhelpful influences for a few days - avoid people who make you feel bad, try not to get involved in anything that highlights your position. Then sit and have a really good think about where you want to be six months from now.
That process alone will help you to begin to lift out of the depressing trough you’ve slipped into. It’ll remind you who is important to you. And you should be on top of the list! Once you’ve finished making your dreams, it’s time to get on with trying to make them happen. The state indicated by the Hanged Man is often one where people stop letting themselves dream and wish. So, simply by putting the dreams back into your life, you will begin to feel better.
The process will mean that you have to be self-disciplined, and not letting the old negative, destructive thoughts back in - but the very act of watching what you think, and dreaming will begin to bring things back under your control. You’ll find your emotions are more calm, and you begin to feel more hopeful.
Let this growth take place in its own time. Don’t rush yourself. We all need a process to lift us away from the Hanged Man - we need to earth, centre and relax a little. Once we can see things from the right way up, they become easier to understand.
There seems to be some sort of financial stress around you at the moment, difficulties in the working area, and fears about whether you are going to be able to improve things. You’re probably not looking too hard at this - but you’ll use just as much energy avoiding things as you would by taking a good hard look, and beginning to re-organise things here. Though you’ve not had much in the way of good fortune around your material circumstance recently, there’s a break in the clouds on its way as the result of an unplanned, accidental contact. So don’t get so worried you don’t pay attention to what’s happening around you!
You’re moving into a more fruitful time in your life, where not only your physical needs are met well, but where you can be more creative and positive. Trust yourself a little bit more. You’re too hard on yourself, and you tend to see only your faults. See brightness in yourself, and so will other people.
You’re coming to the end of a bad phase now. Try to see this as a point of completion. One circle is made and a new, exciting phase begins. Try to turn to the future. You can feel confident this barren time is almost over. Be happy!
Reading by Jan