The Mandala Spread
In its purest form the Mandala spread assesses one's spiritual path. It can be adapted to address specific issues, and questions, or an open reading with no overall question can be posed.
This spread reveals the strengths, weaknesses and desires which lead one toward a growth in spirituality, indicating pitfalls and positive points in a way that it is possible for the querent to put together a much more clear view of their own progress.
Card 1 must be read against cards 2, 4, and 6 to give an overview of the way things actually ARE, then against cards 3, 8 and 9 to assess potential. After that reading Card 1 against cards 5 and 7 to reveal possible problems and areas which require further work.
Put it all together and you have quite a good overview of your querent's position and opportunities.
Here is the spread:

Card 1: An overview of the self.
Card 2: Ambitions, goals.
Card 3: Ideals, dreams.
Card 4: Real achievements at this time.
Card 5: Dependencies, faulty beliefs.
Card 6: Strengths and positive traits.
Card 7: Faults and weaknesses.
Card 8: Self perception.
Card 9: Desires.