Online Guide to the Tarot

Meanings of the Cards

The Tarot is more than a simple pack of cards. The pack itself comprises 78 cards which combine to form the 'arcana' - symbolic representations of ancient wisdom. These are divided into The Major and the Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana comprises 22 “trump” cards covering pretty much all aspects of human experience (and quite a bit of divine stuff too). The 56 'Minor' cards are split into the four elemental suits of Earth, Water, Fire and Air. Though these Suits have a variety of names, depending upon which deck you happen to be looking at, we stick here with those names accorded them in the Thoth Tarot deck, whose images you see across the site. 

The Three of Wands

This card - Lord of Virtue - represents our trueness to our own inner needs and inspirations. It represents a point of inner balance where we are clear about the things we want to create in our lives, and confident in our ability to make our dreams come true. Out of this clarity and confidence arises a new quality of self-reliance and happiness.

We develop a new understanding of our virtues, our skills, our talents; we have a better view of what we have to offer and what we need in return. We become more aware of ourselves, and more in harmony with the Powers of Light.

When this card comes up in your reading, it is important that you cast aside doubts and fears, refusing to fall back into old habits. Instead you must turn your face to the future, trusting in your own power, making no compromises. Trust yourself, and everything else will fall into place.

The Three of Wands

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