The Ace of Wands

The Ace of Wands begins the explosion of energy which runs throughout the Suit of Wands. Here we see massive out-rushing power, high levels of force, the beginning of whatever the Will desires.

When this card appears in a reading it often signifies the beginning of new life - whether as in pregnancy, or to represent the beginning of a whole new phase in life. In order to confirm pregnancy, you need to look for other 'baby' cards like the Princess/Page of Cups, or the Ace or Three of Cups.

When the card comes up to indicate a new phase in life, there will often be other cards surrounding it which indicate the area that will be most affected by the new force.

This is a good card for healing energies, indicating high levels of vitality and vigour. This effect is much strengthened if the Sun also appears in the reading. It also indicates a period in life where we can forge forward toward our goals, having sufficient stamina and enthusiasm to follow through effectively.

It's worth bearing in mind, though, that this is a very raw energy - potent and powerful, but somewhat reckless and headstrong. Make sure that you don't get carried away with new projects, rushing heedlessly into something you have not considered thoroughly enough.

The Ace of Wands

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