Working with The Princess of Wands
This is a powerful and hopeful card, promising energy, action and progress. One of the very important inner aspects of the Princess of Wands is her function in allowing us to leave old fears behind.
The Princess of Wands represents the freedom we gain when we release old restrictions and habits, in order to forge forward into a future which is shaped more by ourselves, and less by outdated environments, and outmoded concepts.
We often find, when we examine our motives and attitudes thoroughly, that somehow we have collected lots of emotional 'garbage' along the way. Sometimes we do not even realise this exists; other times we know these problems exist, but rarely take the time to examine how they affect us, what they deny us, how we limit ourselves by failing to clean them out.
So on a day ruled by Princess of Wands, we need to select one of our fears or habits, and really subject it to careful scrutiny. Take a good hard look at what this particular fear gives you in terms of support, and what it gives you in terms of damage. Try to isolate where it came from. And try not to run away from doing either of these things.
Very often you will find that the fear or habit is rooted far in the past. You may well discover that it no longer has any relevance; that it takes away your freedom to choose your actions in a given area in your life.
Once you've isolated your fear or habit, use the affirmation for all you're worth. Make a mental image which encapsulates your fear. Make your image tiny. Visualise yourself throwing away that fear. And try to know yourself to be free of it.

Affirmation: "I release my fears and allow myself to be filled with confidence and self trust."