Working with The Prince of Wands
This card is full of boundless energy and power. Here we see the healing rush of force, producing enthusiasm and exhilaration. Among their many other attributes, the suit of Wands relates to morality and a strong sense of ethics, so this card also draws in matters of integrity and honesty.
On a day ruled by the Prince of Wands, expect to feel full of life, ready to tackle any challenge. Be alert for situations in which you are able to assist somebody else who has need of your strength. Also, be aware of how your strength feels to you - this will stand you in good stead on lesser days, when you aren't feeling quite so vital and alive.
This Prince sets us free of limitation and self doubt bringing, instead, a new confidence and verve. If we allow his force to flow through us, we shall find ourselves making excellent progress in everything we turn our hands to.
If, when he appears, you are emerging from a tough time in your life, this Prince will mark a turning point where things begin to improve and brighten up. One of the key phrases often associated with this card is 'out of darkness, into light'.
So enjoy the day!! Have fun, get lots done and feel glad to be you at the end of the day!!

Affirmation: "My life has no limits. It is filled with boundless energy."