Working with The Queen of Wands
A woman represented by the Queen of Wands will be a strong person, forthright and sometimes painfully honest. She's experienced, capable and determined. She makes a reliable and trustworthy friend, and a very worthy adversary.
The day ruled by the Queen of Wands is going to be one where women are dominant. So we need to split up these influences, depending upon whether you are affected as though you WERE the Queen of Wands, or influenced BY the Queen of Wands.
Let's take the first one - where you feel as though you are acting as this Queen. If so, you will be in dynamic mode. You may well find that your opinion is requested - please remember that, since this Queen is forthright and sometimes downright outspoken, it's as well to consider what you say!! And don't offer your opinion if it hasn't been asked for!!
Be prepared for your inner reserve of strength to be called upon by other people. Be generous with your compassion and caring with your attention to other people. Often people who turn to you during this day will be in trouble, needful of guidance and support.
If you feel you are influenced BY this Queen, you may need to turn to her for advice or back-up. Remember, she'll say precisely what she thinks! And she won't tolerate somebody who is dithering about. So if you feel indecisive, a different confidante might be a preferred option! However if you need somebody who is going to empower you, she is entirely perfect!
There is one other option for working with this card which is more abstract, and would not include an actual person - and in this case, the energy flowing will be strong, direct and powerful. Engage with all your might! You'll be very pleased with the results you obtain.

Affirmation: "I am a radiant strong being filled with the power of love."