Working with The Knight of Wands
This is a dynamic and active card, with a great deal of warm enthusiasm and gaiety flowing from its energy. Often insight and perception increase when it is influential. There are often sudden and unexpected shifts of energy, so that blockages are swept firmly out of your path, leaving you free to move forward in your chosen direction.
On a day ruled by this card, expect to be directed to take action to remove difficulties and resolve problems, and be open to guidance from wherever it happens to come. This card is sometimes known by the title "Lord of Lightning" and he will use life's everyday tools to nudge you in the right direction. Don't be surprised to receive guidance from odd sources, and pay close attention to what happens around you. Allow yourself to be alert to apparently random input which will give you clues and ideas that had not occurred to you before.
And then once you have picked up these signs, follow them diligently and determinedly - you'll find they really pay off. Don't put things on one side for further reference - as soon as you know what action to take, take it. Then sit back and wait for the next 'nudge'!

Affirmation: "I open myself to my own success."